Charity Tree
Hungary) 2014
exterior of the Charity Tree, Budapest
Charity Tree
Hungary) 2014
‘Inside the tree there is a
chapel-like sacred inner space, where everybody can find some silence to
contemplate in the middle of a buzzing city’, Said the
designers (Hello wood builds Christmas tree from 5000 pieces
of firewood, 2014)
Designed by Hello Wood, the 11
meter tall Christmas tree in a square in Budapest, Hungary, was
commissioned for the community and to raise awareness about the Hungarian
families who struggle for heating. As a figure of unity, the
Christmas tree is a object that we congregate around at Christmas. The entire
kg of wood was donated to the local families of Budapest as firewood.
Hello wood builds Christmas tree from 5000
pieces of firewood (2014) Available at:
(Accessed: 18 February 2016).
Mae Waknell (14th December 2015)